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Acer 8920G Drivers Cinedash Media Console

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Acer 8920G Drivers Cinedash Media Console

The Acer Aspire 8920G is equipped with a 1.6GHz Intel T9500 Core 2 Duo processor with 1MB cache, and 4GB of RAM. The hard drive, which you can replace, is a 120GB SATA hard drive for $199.95. The optical drive is a compact DVD burner that supports DVD and CD (no Blu-ray or HDMI DVD). The optical drive connects via a DVD-video connector and Acer includes the disc-at-once (Duo) optical drive that burns dual-layer (DVDR) discs.

It ships with Windows Vista Home Premium (OS 10.0.6211) and provides the Media Centre application for streaming your media content to your TV. The touch-panel/remote is the standard Acer ArcControl interface that is supplied, but when you click the right mouse button you get a shortcut to the Media Centre application, and when you click the left mouse button you get access to recently-played content.

Acer did not qualify Windows 10 on the Aspire 8943G so unfortunately we do not have information on whether the Windows 7 Media Console works with Windows 10. Since that operating system was not qualified for that model, we would be unable to assist with issues that may happen by installing Windows 10. Our support is limited to installing the OEM operating system via USB recovery media or via the hard drive using ALT+F10 recovery. We have no information on how to copy certain files from the Windows 7 operating system onto an SSD or other drive for use in Windows 10. If you are able to do this, that is fine but as this is outside our scope of support for this model we are unable to offer information on how to use Media Console in Windows 10. 3d9ccd7d82

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